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How much does investing on Pearler cost?

Generally, Pearler has no inactivity, deposit/withdrawal or account opening fees.

For Pealer Shares, a brokerage fee of $6.50 is charged for each buy/sell transaction for both AU & US Shares. We offer referral and prepaid brokerage promotions to lower your fees even more, which may help if you are going to be investing regularly.

For Pearler Micro, there is a monthly fee (see below) that is based on how much you have invested and if you are buying into one investment option or many. No additional brokerage fees apply.

Also, you should stay familiar with PDS and TMD, which outlines important information about the fund.

Please check out our pricing page for more details or reach out to us via our live chat support.

help article author
Hayden Smith

19 November 2020

